At Sleeping Time (24) |
If the Messenger of Allah wanted to sleep he would say Bi'ismika 'allăhumma 'amootu wa 'ahyă(43)
and when he awakened from his sleep he used to
say: Al-hamdu lil-lăhi 'allathee 'ahyănă ba`da ma 'amătană, wa 'ilayhin-nushooru(44)
(43) It is in your name O' my 'ilăh that I die and
I live.
(44) All praise be to Allah Who has caused us life
after He had caused us death, and to Him is the return. |
Agreed upon by Bukhări and Muslim, and Al-Albăni included it
in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #24. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (25) |
Upon going to his bed each night, the Messenger of Allah would
bring his palms together. Then he would spittle(45) in them, then he would recite into them Qul huwal 'allăhu
'ahad, Qul 'a`outhu birabbil falaqi, and Qul 'a`outhu birabbin-năsi(46)
then he would wipe with them whatever he is able
to of his body, he would begin with his head and face, and the foreside of his body. He would do this three times". |
(45) Spittle is being used for the Arabic word nafth.
Nafth is to put the tip of your tongue between your lips and to blow lightly as you pull your tongue back which in this case
causes a misty spray onto your hands.
(46) Meaning the last three suwar of the Qur'an. |
Agreed upon by Bukhări and Muslim, and Al-Albăni included it
in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #25. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (26) |
It is reported by way of Abi Hurayrata , that someone used to come upon him and take from the charity - which the Prophet had made him guardian over - night after night, so on the third night, he said: I will report you to the Messenger of Allah
, the man said: Let me teach you some phrases with which Allah will cause you benefit - they were very eager for good - so
he said: When you go to bed, read 'Aayaht 'al-kursee (47)
completely, for there is still upon you from Allah
a guardian, and no shaytan can get close to you until you enter upon morning. Then he said: "He told you the truth and he
is a liar, ([that was a shaytan])". |
(47) Verse 244 of Surat Al-Baqarah (#2). |
Reported by Al-Bukhări, and Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic
of Good Sayings as #26. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (27) |
It is reported of the Prophet that he said: "Whoever reads the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah (#2) in a night they would suffice him". |
Reported by Bukhări and Muslim, and Al-Albăni included it in
The Authentic of Good Sayings as #27. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (28) |
If one of you gets up from his bed and then returns to it, then
let him shake it out [yanfudh(48) it] with the inside of his waist wrapper three times, for one does not know what
succeeded him on it, and when he has lied down he should say Bismika rabbee wadha`tu jambee, wabika 'arfa`uhu, fa 'in 'amsakta
nafsee farhamhă, wa 'in 'arsaltahă, fahfathhă bimă tahfathu bihi `ibădaka 'as-săliheena(49)
Then upon waking up let him say: Al-hamdu lil-lăhi
'allathee `ăfănee fee jasadee, wa radda `alayya roohee, wa 'athina lee bithikrihi(50)
(48) Yanfudh is a form of the verb nafadha which is
a perturbation with the purpose of removing something. For example this same word is used to refer to perturbations such as
shaking-out a dust mat. In this case you are using the inner side of your garment (izar) and perturbing the surface of your
bed as if you were dusting it off.
(49) In Thy name, O my Lord, I have laid my side,
and by You I shall lift it, if You keep hold of my soul [i.e. take my life] then have mercy on it, and if You are to send
it on, then preserve it in [or with] that which You preserve your pious bondservants in [or with].
(50) All praise be to Allah that has sparred me in
my body, returned my soul upon me, and has permitted that I engage in his remembrance. |
Reported by At-Tirmithi who said it was comely. Al-Albăni said
it was of good ascription, and he included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #28. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (29) |
He said to `Ali and Fătima: "Shan't I guide the two of you to what has more goodness in it, for you, than a servant? When you
resort to your bed, make tasbeeh [to say: Subhana 'allahi
] 33 times, tahmeed [to say: 'Al-hamdu lillăhi
] 33 times, and takbeer [to say: 'Allahu 'akbaru
] 34 times". Ali said: Thus I have not left them since I heard them from the Messenger of Allah . It was said to him: Not even the night of [the battle of] Siffeen?He said: Not even the night of Siffeen. |
Reported by Al-Bukhări and Muslim. Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #29. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa This book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.
al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |
At Sleeping Time (30) |
When the Prophet of Allah wanted to sleep he would put his right hand under his cheek and then would say: 'Allăhumma qinee `athăbaka yawma tab`athu
(51) O' Allah save me from your torment on the Day when You shall resurrect your bondservants.
Reported by Abu Dawood, and At-Tirmithi who said it was comely-sound. Al-Albăni agreed, and he included it in The Authentic
of Good Sayings as #30 |
At Sleeping Time (31) |
Upon retiring to his bed(52) the Prophet would say: Al-hamdu lil-lăhi 'allathee 'at`amană wa saqănă, wa kafănă, wa ăwănă, fakam miman lă kăfiya lahu wa lă mu'wee(53)
(52) Although the word bed is used it is not meant to convey the meaning of a mattress.
The Prophet used to sleep on a simple mat, not a mattress.
(53) All praise be to Allah Who has fed us, offered us drink, sufficed us, and sheltered
us, for how many are there that have no one to suffice them, nor to shelter them. [38] |
Reported by Muslim, and Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #31. |
At Sleeping Time (32) |
He ordered a man to say 'Allăhumma 'anta khalaqta nafsiya, wa 'anta tatawaffăhă, laka mamătuhă wa mahyăhă, 'in 'ahyaytahă
fahfathhă, wa 'in 'amattahă faghfir lahă, 'allăhumma 'innee 'as'aluka 'al`ăfiyata(54)
(54) O' my 'ilăh You created my soul, and You exact it. Its death and its livelihood is
to You. If You liven it then guard it, and if You mortify it then forgive it. O' my 'ilăh I ask You pardon [meaning I ask
that You spare me from afflictions, and grant me wellness]. |
Reported by Muslim, and Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #32. |
At Sleeping Time (33) |
Upon going to bed the Messenger of Allah would say: 'Allăhumma rabbas samăwăti, wa rabbal 'ardhi, wa rabbal `arshil `atheemi, rabbană wa rabba kulli shay'in, făliqal-habbi
wan-nawă, wa munazzil 'attawrăti wal 'injeeli, wal-furqăni, 'a`outhu bika min sharri kulli thee sharrin 'anta ăkhitkun binăsiyatihi,
'allăhumma 'antal 'awwalu falaysa qablaka shay'un, wa 'antal 'ăkhiru falaysa ba`daka shay'un, wa 'anta 'ath-thăhiru falaysa
fawqaka shay'un, wa 'antal-bătinu falaysa doonaka shay'un, 'iqdhi `anna 'ad-dayna, wa 'aghnină min 'al faqri.(55)
(55) O' my 'ilah Lord of the Heavens, Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Magnificent Throne,
Our Lord, and The Lord of everything, causer of seeds and fruit-stones to germinate, down bringer of the Tawraht, 'Injeel,
and Furqan., I seek refuge in You from the evil of all having evil whom You shall be taking by the forelock. O' my 'ilah You
are The First, for there was nothing before You; You are the Last, for there is nothing after You; You are The Outward [or
Ascendant] for there is nothing above You; and You are The Inner, for nothing is beyond You. Consume, for us, our debts; and
enrich us out of poverty".
Further Explanation: Dr. Sălih Al-Fozăn says, in his explanation of Ibn Taymiyas' 'Al-`Aqeedah 'Al-Wăsitiyyah, that this
hadeeth explains that Allah was before everything, and remains after everything. It affirms that Allah is ascendant over all
else, and at the same time He is so close with his Knowledge that He is the Inner (closer to the subject, in knowledge, than
itself), and nothing is beyond his Knowledge. This closeness is, of course, the closeness of all-surrounding complete knowledge.
A different, yet consistent, perspective on this hadeeth is provided by Shaikh Năsiruddeen Al-Albăni. He explained "The
Inner" in the footnotes of his authentication of Ibn Taymiya's Al-Kalim At-Tayyib: "Meaning that due to the magnificence of
your Majesty, and the perfection of your Pride no one is able to realize Your essence in spite of your perfect outwardness".
With respect to "nothing is beyond You" he said, quoting Abul-Hasan As-Sanadee: "Meaning that there is nothing beyond You
that would be more Inner than You". So just as Allah is The Outward and yet beyond our realization (The Inner), there is not
anything, or anyone that beyond Allah's knowledge and realization (more Inner).
With respect to Allah Ascendance: Allah is above and higher than all his creation, He is upon his Throne which is a greater
creation than the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them (including humans). Allah refers to this Throne in the Qur'an
as the "Noble Throne" and the "Magnificent Throne". Muslims are to affirm this ascendance as Allah has affirmed it. We do
not cast any resemblance upon Allah to humans in his ascendance. We simply affirm what Allah affirms! We know what it is to
ascend; however we do not know how! The how is beyond the limits of human comprehension, and thus we are not to think about
it. We simply say that it is in a manner befitting to the Might, and Glory of Allah the Exalted Most High. |
Reported by Muslim, Abu dawood, Ahmad, and At-Tirmithi. Muslim's wording varied as: kulli shayin instead of kulli
thee sharrin. Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #33. |
At Sleeping Time (34) |
The Messenger of Allah said: "When you go to bed make wudhoo' as you do for salat, then lie on your right hand side, and say: 'Allăhumma 'aslamtu
nafsee 'ilayka, wa wajjahtu wajhee 'ilayka, wa fawwadhtu 'amree 'ilayka, wa 'alja'tu dhahree 'ilayka, raghbatan wa rah-batan
'ilayka, lă malja'a wa lă manjă minka 'illă 'ilayka, ămentu bikităbika 'allathee 'anzalta, wa binabiyyika 'allathee 'arsalta(56)
Then if you die that evening you will die on the natural disposition [religion of Islam], and make it the last thing
you say." |
(56)O' my 'ilăh I have surrendered my self to You, I have directed my face to You, I have
entrusted my affairs to You, I have compelled my back to refuge in You, in want and in fright of You, there is no resort nor
survival from You except [in turning] to You, I have faith in your book which You have brought down, and in your Prophet which
You have sent. |
Agreed upon by Bukhări and Muslim, and the presentation of that is that of Al-Bukhări consisting of two narrations. Al-Albăni
included it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #34. |