About Wudhu' (43) |
It is reported by way of Abi Hurayrata that the Messenger of Allah said: "There is no salăt for him who has no ablution (wudhu'), and there is no ablution forh im who has not mentioned the
name of Allah upon it". |
'Al-`Adăwee said it was sound due to its testimonials and that it was reported by Ibn Măjah #399; Abu Dăwood; Ahmad; Al-Hakim;
and others. Al-Albăni said it was sound in Saheeh Al-Jămi` As-Sagheer wa Ziyădatih. Its testimonials were preported
as #397 by Ibn-Măjah, and by At-Tabarăni on page 147 of volume 6. |
About Wudhu' (44) |
It is reported by way of 'Abi Sa`eed that the Prophet said: "Whoever performs wudhu' then says after he has completed his wudhu': Subhănaka 'allăhumma wa bihamdika, 'ash-hadu
'an lă 'ilăha 'illa 'anta, 'astaghfiruka wa 'atoobu 'ilayka(66),
it would be written on vellum then sealed; thereafter, it would not be broken till The Day of Resurrection". |
(66) Glorified are You O' my 'ilăh and I am in Your praise, I testify that there is no
'ilah except You, I ask Your forgiveness and repent unto You. |
Al-Albăni said it was sound in Saheeh 'Al-Jămi` as-Sagheer wa Ziyădatih and that it was reported by An-Nisă'ee,
and Al-Hakim. |
About Wudhu' (45) |
It is reported by way of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab that the Prophet said: "There is not one of you that makes wudhu', and performs the rites of wudhu', then says when he has completed his wudhu':
'Ash-hadu 'an lă 'ilăha 'illa 'allăhu wahdahu la shareeka lahu, wa 'anna muhammadan `abduhu wa rasooluhu(67),
except that the eight gates of Heaven would open up for him, that he may enter from whichever he would please". |
(67) I bear witness that there is no 'ilăh except Allah alone, no partner has he, and that
Muhammad is His bondservant, and Messenger. |
Reported by Muslim, Abu Dăwood, An-Nisă'ee and Ahmad. Al-Albăni said it was sound in his Saheeh 'Al-Jămi` As-Sagheer
wa Ziyădatih. This hadeeth is #162 in his Saheeh 'Abi-Dawood, and #96 in 'Al-'irwă'
© 1993 Waleed Al-Essa
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