The Virtue of Worship at Night (47) |
Allah The Exalted said:
- <<O thou folded In garments! Stand [to prayer] by night less some of it. Half of it, or a little less, or a little
more; And recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones. Soon we shall launch down unto thee a heavy Statement. Truly
the rising by night is a time when impression is more keen and speech more upright>> (68).
- <<And as for the night keep awake a part of it as an additional prayer for thee: may thy Lord raise thee to a
Praised station>> (69).
- <<And part of the night, prostrate thyself to Him; And glorify Him a long night through>> (70).
It is reported of the Prophet that he said: "Our Lord descends to the lowest sky [of the seven] when the last third of the night remains, then he says:
Who is calling upon Me such that I may answer him, who is asking Me such that I may grant him, who is requesting My forgiveness
such that I may forgive him(71)". |
(68) Surat Al-Muzammil (#73) Vs. 1-6
(69) Surat Al-lsră' (#17) V. 79
(70) Surat Al-lnsăn (#76) V.26.
(71) See a book called "Sharh Hadeeth Annuzool" which means "The Explanation of the Hadeeth
of Down-Coming" by Shaikh Al-lslam Ibn Taymiya, for he has excelled in clarification of that which the Muslim is required
to believe with respect to the descent of The Divine. |
This hadeeth is reported in both Saheeh 'Al-Bukhări and Saheeh Muslim. Al-Albăni included it in The Authentic
of Good Sayings as #41. |
The Virtue of Worship at Night (48) |
The Messenger of Allah said: "The closest the Lord is to the bondservant is in the midst of the latter part of the night. So if you are able to
be among those that establish remembrance of their Lord at that hour, then be". |
Reported by At-Tirmithi, and he said it was comely-sound. Al-Albăni said that 'Al-Hăkim said that it was sound according
to Muslim's conditions, and that Ath-Thahabi agreed with him, and that the hadeeth is as they have said. Al-Albăni included
it in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #42 |
The Virtue of Worship at Night (49) |
The Prophet said: "There is in the night a time such that during it no Muslim man asks Allah to Whom belongs Glory and Power for some
Good of the affairs of this Life or the Hereafter; except that Allah would grant him it, and that is every night". Allah The
Exalted said: <<And those who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning>> (72).
(72) Surat Ale-`lmrăn (#3) V.17. |
Reported by Muslim, and is in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #43. |
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