About the Witr Prayer (50) |
Ibn 'Umar said that a man asked the Messenger of Allah about the night prayer: So the Messenger of Allah said: The night prayer is dual dual, then if one of you is worried about morning he would pray a single rak'ah, which would
make that which he had prayed odd [in number]. Năfi` told that `Abdullah bin `Umar used to say tasleem between the single
rak`ah, and the two rak`ahs in the Witr such that he could tend to some of his needs. |
Reported in Saheeh 'Al-Bukhări #105 in the chapters of Witr in Volume 2 of Muhammad Muhsin Khăn's translation |
About the Witr Prayer (51) |
'Ibn 'Abbas , said: Once I spent the night at the place of Maymounah (his aunt). I layed down along the width of a pillow, and the Messenger
of Allah layed down with his wife along its length, and slept till midnight or nearly so, then he woke up rubbing the sleep off of
his face, then he recited ten verses from [Surat] 'Ale 'Imran. Then the Messenger of Allah got up towards a leather skin that was hanging, and performed ablution, and performed it well. Then he got up to pray, so
I did as he did, then stood to his side, whereupon, he put his right hand on my head, and twisted my ear and then prayed two
rak`ahs followed by two rak`ahs, followed by two rak`ahs, followed by two rak`ahs, followed by two rak`ahs, then he performed
Witr. He then layed down on his side until the the Mu'ath-thin came to him, whereupon, he prayed two rak`ahs, and went to
the morning prayer. |
Reported in Saheeh 'Al-Bukhări #106 in the chapters of Witr in Volume 2 of Muhammad Muhsin Khăn's translation |
About the Witr Prayer (53) |
It is reported by way of 'Abi 'Al-Hawra' that he heard Al-Hasan son of 'Ali saying: The Messenger of Allah taught me to say in the Witr [prayer] 'Allăhumma 'ihdinee feeman hadayta wa tawallanee
feeman tawallayta wa `ăfinee feeman `ăfayta wa băriklee feemă 'a`tayta wa qinee sharra mă qadhayta, 'innaka taqdhee wală yuqdhă
`alayka, 'innahu lă yathillu man wăleyta wală ya`izzu man `ădayta tabărakta(76) wa ta`ălayta(77)
(76) The word "Rabbana" occurs in this place in some of reports. In some reports of this
hadeeth this supplication is not restricted to the Witr prayer and in other it is.
(77) O' my 'ilah guide me among those that You have guided, befriend me among those that
You have befriended, pardon me among those that You have pardoned, put blessing for me in that which You have given, and prevent
me the evil of that which You have decreed, [verily] You decree and are not decreed upon, one that You befriend is not abased,
and one that You make enemy, will not be honored, blessed are Thee and Exalted. |
'Al-`Adawee said it was sound, and that it was reported by At-Tabarăni, #2707; Al-Hăkim; Ahmad; Al-Bayhaqi; Ibn Măjah,
#1178; An-Nisă'ee; At-tirmithi who said it was comely, Ibn Jărood, #272; and Abu Dawood, #1425. |
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