Upon Entering the Masjid and Leaving it (68) |
Upon entrance to the Masjid, The Messenger of Allah would say Bismillăh, 'allăhumma salli `ală muhammad(82),
and upon leaving he would say Bismillăh, 'allăhumma salli `ală muhammad,
(82) In The Name of Allah. O' my 'ilăh bestow grace, and peace upon Muhammad. |
Al-Albăni said that this was a comely hadeeth reported by Ibn As-Sunni (#86) with a chain of ascription that was said to
be weak by Al-hafith Ibn Hajar in Takhreej 'al-'Adhkăr; however, the hadeeth has testimonial Fătimah's hadeeth
reported by Ibn As-Sunni, and At-Tirmithi who said it was comely. Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good
Sayings as #48. |
Upon Entering the Masjid and Leaving it (70) |
The Prophet was such that if he entered the Masjid he would say: A`outhu bil-lăhi `atheemi, wa bi-wajhihil-kareemi, wa bi-sultănihil-qadeemi
min 'ash-shaytănir rajeemi(85).
He said: "For when he would say that, the shaytăn would say: He has been protected from me for the remainder of his
day". |
(85) I seek protection or refuge in Allah The Magnificent, in his Noble Face, and in his
ancient dominion, from the despicable shaytăn". |
Reported by Abu Dawood. Al-Albăni said that its ascription was sound, that it was in his Saheeh 'Abi Dăwood as #485,
and that An-Nawawi, and Ibn Hajar thought it to be comely. It is #50 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
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