When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (84) |
'Abi Hurayrata is reported as saying: The Prophet said: "Verily the leader ('Imăm) was put in place in order to be followed, so when he makes takbeer, then, make takbeer;
when he bows, then, bow; when he says sami`a 'allăhu liman hamidahu
then, say: Rabbană wa lakal-hamdu(96);
when he prostrates, then, prostrate; and if he prays sitting down, then, pray, sitting down, altogether. |
(96) The wording as reported by Muslim is 'Allăhumma rabbana lakal-hamdu. |
'Al- Adawee said it was sound, and that it was reported by Al-Bukhări, page 216 of volume 2 of Fath Al-Băree; Muslim,
page 404 of volume 1; Ibn Majah #1239; and An-Nisă'ee with a different wording, page 142 of volume 2. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (86) |
And in the hadeeth of Ali about the salăt of the Messenger of Allah : and when he would bow he would say in his bowing: 'Allăhumma laka raka`tu, wabika ămentu, walaka 'aslamtu, khasha`a laka
sam`ee, wa basaree, wa mukhkhee, wa `athmee, wa `asabee(99)
When he would lift his head from the bowing he would say: Sami`al-lăhu liman hamidahu, rabbană walakal hamdu,
mil'as-samăwăti, wa mil'al-'ardhi, wa mil'a mă baynahumă, wa mil'a mă shi'ta min shay'in ba`du,(100)
and when he would have prostrated he would say in his prostration: 'Allăhumma laka sajadtu, wabika ămentu, walaka
'aslamtu, sajada wajhee lil-lathee khalaqahu wa sawwarahu, wa shaqqa sam`ahu, wa basarahu, tabărakal-lahu 'ahsanul khăliqeena(101)
(99) O' my 'ilăh to You I have bowed, and in You I have cammitted faith, and before Thee
my hearing, my sight, my marrow, my bones, and my nerves have humbled [surrendered in complete fear, humility, and obedience
to You].
(100) Allah hears the one that praises Him! You are our Lord and to You is all praise,
as much as would fill the Heavens, as much as would fill the Earth, as much as would fill that which is in between them, and
as much as would fill what ever You will of anything [else] thereafter.
(101) O' my 'ilăh to You I have prostrated, and in You I have committed faith, and to You
I have surrendered. My face has prostrated to the One that has created it, fashioned it, and slit for it its hearing and its
sight. Blessed is Allah best of creators. |
Reported by Muslim, and is #69 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (87) |
`A'ishata said: The Messenger of Allah used to plentifully say in his bowing and his prostration: Subhănaka 'allăhumma rabbană wa bihamdika, 'allăhumma 'ighfirlee(102)
in interpretation of the Qur'ăn. She meant the verse: <<Sabbih(103) in praise
of thy Lord, and pray for His forgiveness: For He is Oft-Returning [In forgiveness].>> |
(102) Glorified are You my 'ilah, our Lord, and [I, or we are] in your Praise. My 'ilăh
forgive me.
(103) See footnotes 8 and 12. |
Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and Al-Albani included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #70.
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (88) |
The Messenger of Allah used to say in his bowing and his prostration: Subboohun quddoosun rabbul-mală'ikati warroohi(104)
(104) All-Glorious [free from every deficiency] All-Holy [pure from all that does not befit
Thee], Lord of the Angels and of Ar-Rooh [Angel Jibreel, or human souls.] |
Reported by Muslim, and is #71 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (89) |
The Messenger of Allah said: "Verily I have been forbidden from the recitation of the Qur'an while bowing or prostrating. As for the bowing, magnify
Your Lord in it; and as for the prostration, strive in supplication in it, for it's worthy that you be granted". |
Reported by Muslim, and is #72 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (90) |
'Awf bin Mălik said: I stood up in prayer with the Messenger of Allah , thus he stood up and read Surat (Al-Baqarah), not passing upon a verse of mercy except that he would stop and ask Allah,
nor would he pass by a verse of torment except that he would stop and solicit Allah's protection from it, he said [in continuation]:
Then he bowed for as long as he stood, saying in his bow: Subhăna thil jabarooti wal malakooti, wal kibriyă'i wal `athamati(105)
Then in his prostration he would say the same. |
(105) I deem the One with Might, Kingdom, Majesty, and Magnificence to be free of all imperfection.
Reported by Abu Dawood, and An-Nisa`ee; and is #73 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (91) |
The Messenger of Allah used to say Sami`al-lăhu liman hamidahu(106)
while lifting his spine from the bow, then he would say in the upright position: Rabbană walakal-hamdu(107),
and in one narration: Rabbană lakal-hamdu(108)
(106) Allah hears the one that praises Him.
(107) Our Lord, and to You is all praise.
(108) Our Lord: to You is all praise. |
Ibn Taymiya said that Rabbană lakal-hamdu is a sound expression. He said that the coinciding expressions that are
in both [Saheeh 'Al-Bukhări and Saheeh Muslim are: Rabbană wa lakal-hamdu, and Allăhumma rabbană lakal
hamdu. Al-Albani included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #74. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (92) |
The Messenger of Allah after having raised his head from the bow would say 'Allăhumma rabbană lakal-hamda, mil'as-samăwati, wa mil'al-'ardhi,
wa mil'a mă baynahumă, wa mil'a mă shi'ta min shay'in ba`du, 'ahl 'ath-thană'i wal majdi, 'ahaqqu ma qălal-`abdu, wa kullună
laka `abdun, 'allăhumma lă măni`a limă 'a`tayta wa lă mu`tiya limă mana`ta, wa lă yanfa`u thal jaddi minkal-jaddu(109)
(109) O' my 'ilăh our Lord to You is all praise, as much as would fill the Heavens, as
much as would fill the Earth, as much as would fill what is in between them, and as much as would fill what ever You will
of anything [else] thereafter. Worthy of All-Encomium [Formal expression of Praise] and majd [glory, nobility, dignity, generosity,
and elevated ground], the most true of what a bondservant could say, and we are al1 bondservants of Allah: O' my 'ilăh there
is none to prevent what You have given, nor is there anyone to give what You have prevented, nor is the jadd [meaning luck,
success, wealth, and/or greatness] of a person possessing such jadd any help to that person in the face of anything You have
willed. |
Reported by Muslim, and is #75 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (93) |
Rifa'atu bin Rafi' in said: One day we were praying behind the Prophet then, when he lifted his head from the bow he said: Sami`al-lăhu liman hamidahu(110)
then, a man behind him said: Rabbană walakal-hamdu hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubărakan feehi(111)),
then after the prayer he asked: "Who was the speaker?". He said: I, He said: "I saw thirty plus Angels hastening
to them(ll2), who would write them first". |
(110) Allah hears the one that praises Him.
(111) Our Lord and to You is All-Praise, praise that is plentiful, purely good, and blessed.
(112) Racing to write these words due to their greatness. |
Reported by Muslim, and is #76 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (94) |
The Messenger of Allah said: "The closest that a bondservant gets to His Lord is when he is in prostration, so supplicate plentifully when you are
in prostration". |
Reported by Muslim, and is #77 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (95) |
The Messenger of Allah used to say in his prostration: 'Allăhumma 'ighfrlee thambee kullahu, diqqahu wa jillahu, wa 'awwalahu wa ăkhirahu, wa
`alăniyahu wa sirrahu(113)
(113) O' my 'ilah forgive me all my sins; the tiny of them and the greet of them; the first
of them and the last of them; the open of them and the secret of them. |
Reported by Muslim, and is #78 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (96) |
'A'ishata said: One day I noticed the absence of the Prophet ([from the bed]), so I started looking for him, then my hand came in contact with the bottom of his feet, he was in the Mosque,
his feet were propped up, and he was saying: 'Allăhumma 'innee 'a`outhu bi-ridhaka min sakhatika, wa bi-mu`ăfătika min
`uqoobatica, wa 'a`outhu bika minka, lă 'uhsee thană'an `alayka, 'anta kamă 'athnayta `ală nafsika(114)
(114) I seek refuge in your approval from your anger, and in pardon granting from your
punishment, and I seek refuge in You, from You, I could never praise Thee enough [as You deserve], You are as You have praised
yourself. |
Reported by Muslim, and is #79 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (97) |
In between the two prostrations the Messenger of Allah : used to say: 'Allăhumma 'ighfirlee, warhamnee, wahdinee, wajburnee, wa 'ăfinee, warzuqnee(115)
115 O' my 'ilăh forgive me, bestow mercy upon me, guide me, mend me, pardon me, and grant me sustenance. |
Reported by Abu Dăwood, and others; and is #80 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
When Bowing, Getting up from a Bow, Prostrating, or Sitting in Between Prostrations (98) |
In between the two prostrations the Messenger of Allah : used to say Rabbi 'ighfirlee, rabbi 'igfirlee(116)
(116) My Lord forgive me, My Lord forgive me. |
Reported by Abu Dăwood, and others; and is #81 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
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