What to Say upon Confrontation of the Enemy and of People with Power (137) |
If the Prophet was afraid of a certain people he would say 'Allăhumma 'innă naj`aluka fee nuhoorihim, wa na`outhu bika min shuroorihim
(157) O' my 'ilăh we put You to their chest-top [neck area], and we seek refuge in You
from their evils. |
Ibn Taymiyya referenced it to Abu Dawood, and An-Nisă'ee; and Al-Albăni said it was of sound ascription, that Al-Hakim
said it was sound and that Ath-Thahabi agreed with him. This hadeeth is #103 in The Authentic of Good Sayings |
What to Say upon Confrontation of the Enemy and of People with Power (138) |
It is reported of the Prophet that he used to say upon confronting the enemy: 'Allăhumma 'anta `adhudee, wa 'anta naseeree, bika 'ahoolu, wa bika 'asoolu,
wa bika 'uqătilu(158)
(158) O' my 'ilăh You are my upper-arm, and You are my triumpher. By You I move, and by
You I assault, and by You I fight. |
Al-Albăni said that it was reported by Abu Dawood in al-jihăd with sound ascription by way of Qatădata by way of
'Anas. He also said that Ibn Hibbăn (#1661) said it was sound. Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good
Sayings as #104. |
What to Say upon Confrontation of the Enemy and of People with Power (139) |
`Abdullăh bin `Abbăs said: Hasbună 'allahu wa ni`mal wakeelu.(159)
Ibrăheem said it when he was thrown into the fire, and Muhammad said it when the people said to him
"The people have united against you."(160) |
(159) For us Allah is sufficient, and He is the best to be entrusted [over us as guardian,
provider, etc.]. This was from Surah 'Aale `Imrăn (#3) V.173.
(160) The original Arabic of this statement can also be found in Surat 'Aale `Imrăn (#3)
V. 173. |
Al-Albăni sait that Al-Bukhări, and others reported it. He included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings
as #105. |
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