What is Said When Placing the Body in the Grave (160) |
The Prophet said: "When you place your dead in the grave then say Bismillăhi wa `ală sunnati rasoolil-lăhi.(178)
In the name of Allah, and according to the way of the Messenger of Allah. |
The wording here is that of 'Abu Dăwood. Al-Albăni said it was sound in his Saheeh Al-Jămi` As-Sagheer wa Ziyădatih,
#832. Al-`Adawee reported the other wording which replaces the word millati for the word sunnati. He menttioned
that the latter was according to 'Abu Dăwood's report, page 546 of volume 3. He said it was sound, and that it was also reported
by Ibn Măjah, #1550; At-Tirmithi, page 146 of volume 4, who said it was strange, speaking of the channel that reached him;
Al-Bayhaqi, 55/4; and 'Al-Hăkim, 366/1, who said it sound according to the conditions of Al-Bukhări and Muslim. 'At-thahabi
agreed. |
What is Said When Placing the Body in the Grave (161) |
When the Prophet would finish burying a dead person he would stand over him and say: 'Istaghfiroo li'akheekum wa saloo lahu attathbeeta
fa'innahu 'al'ăna yus'alu (179)
(179) Ask forgiveness for your brother, and ask stability for him, for he is now being
questioned. |
Al-`Adawee said it was comely and that it was reported by Abu Dăwood, page 550 of volume 3; Al-Hăkim, #370/1, who said
it was sound according to the conditions of Al-Bukhări and Muslim; Ath-Thahabi who said it was sound; Al-Bayhaqi, 56/4; and
others. Al-Albăni said it was sound in his Saheeh Al-Jămi` As-Sagheer wa Ziyădatih #4760. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-EssaThis book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society has obtained the necessary permission to put this book on the World Wide Web. |