Upon Child Birth (242) |
And `Aa'ishata said: "The Messenger of Allah used to bring the little boys, and then he would ask Allah for blessing for them, and yuhannikukum
(252)". |
(252) Yuhannikukum means that he would make tahneek for them which is the rubbing of the
lower jay with softened date. |
Reported by Abu Dawood. Al-Albăni said that it was sound according to the conditions of Al-Bukhări, and Muslim, and that
it was also reported by Muslim. Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #169. |
Upon Child Birth (243) |
It is reported by way of `Amr bin Shu`ayb by way of his father, [and in turn] by way of his grandfather, about the Prophet
: "That he commanded that a newborn be named on his seventh day, that the harm be removed from him [to shave his head] and
al-`aqqa(253)". |
(253) Al-`aqqa here is referring to the act of slaughtering one lamb if the newborn is
a girl, and two lambs if the newborn is a boy. |
At-Tirmithi said it was comely, and Al-Albăni said he agreed due to its testimonials. Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in
The Authentic of Good Sayings as #170. |
Upon Child Birth (244) |
The Prophet named his son Ibrăheem, [he also named] Ibrăheem son of Abi Musă, Abdullăh [meaning bondsman of Allah] son of Abi Talhata,
and Al-Munthir [meaning the warning one] son of Abi 'Usaydin near the times of their births(254).
(254) Shaikh Al-Albani said in his footnotes to Saheeh Al-Kalim At-Tayyib that these are
authentic narrations. They indicate permissibility of the seventh day, yet earlier is better. |
Al-Albăni said that these were sound reports, and appear as #171 in The Authentic of Good Sayings. |
Upon Child Birth (245) |
The Messenger of Allah said:"The most beloved of your names to Allah are:`Abdullăh [meaning bondsman of Allah], and `Abdurrahmăn [meaning the bondsman
of The Merciful]". |
Reported by Muslim in Saheeh Muslim. Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as
#172. |
Upon Child Birth (246) |
In another hadeeth he added "...and the most honest of them [are]: Hărith [ which is a masculine name meaning cultivator
of the consequences of his efforts], and Hammăm [which is a masculine name meaning one having a concern to do something],
and the worst are: Harb [which is a masculine name meaning war], and Murrah [which is a feminine name meaning bitter]". |
Al-Albăni said it was sound in his Silsilat 'Al-'Ahadeeth 'As-saheeha, #1040 on page 33 of volume 3. Refer to the
previous reference for a number of testimonials that enforce the soundity of the hadeeth. 'Al-'Albăni also included this hadeeth
in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #173. |
Upon Child Birth (247) |
The Prophet chnaged ugly names to nice names, Zaynab used to be called: Barrah [which means pious] so he said: She is complementing herself,
so he called her Zaynab, and he used to hate that it be said: He just left Barrah's company. And he said to a man: What is
your name? he said Hazanun [which means sad], he said: Rather you are Sahl [which means easy], and he changed the name Aasiyata
[which means disobedient women], naming her: Jameelah [which means beautiful]. And he said to a man: What is your name? He
said: 'Asram [which means a poor man havinf numerous family]. He said: Rather you are Zur`atah [which means a seed]. And he
named a land that used to be called: `Afratah [which means dust colored]: Khadhratun [which means green]. |
Al-Albăni included this hadeeth in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #174. he said that the first two pieces of information
ending with "He just left Barrah's company" were reported by Saheeh Muslim. The second part ending with "Rather you are Zur'atah"
was in Sunăn 'Abi Dăwood with good ascrpition he said. The third part ending with "Rather you are Zur'atah was
mentioned by Abu Dawood in "hanging", without ascription. A hadeeth is said to be "hanging" if the beginning of its ascription
is missing. The story about the land was reported (connected, not hanging) by At-Tahăwi in and by Ar-Tabarăni, in with sound
ascription. Al-Albăni included this in The Authentic of Good Sayings as #174. |
© 1993 Waleed Al-EssaThis book may be photocopied for personal non profit use; otherwise, no part
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